I'm sure all of us at some point have looked into a mirror and wondered "who am I?", or "how much am I worth?' The truth has been restored to the earth today by a loving Creator concerning the worth and value of any human being. God has declared through a living prophet, "Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God; for, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent an come unto him" (D&C 18: 10-11).
In today's world there are so many disguised evil influences to trick, confuse, and to deceive you and me. We must understand who we are! We must know that we are the SONS and DAUGHTERS of the most glorious Being in the universe. (D&C 76:24).
There are days that most of us ask, "why go living?" We feel inadequate or unsure of who we are and what lies ahead. The question "why go on living? was once said long ago by a famous poet and author William Shakespeare, but in different words; "To be, or not to be?" President Uchtdorf has said that the real question is, "Knowing that I am a child of God, what need I do and be to live up to this potential?"
Heavenly Father has an infinite love for each of us. He has provided the commandments, which are the royal road to a life of purpose, peace, and joy. All we need to do is follow it. Knowing and living God’s commandments really do lead to fulfillment and to joy.
There has been many times in my own life where I have been in need of feeling loved and of worth. I remember years ago I had a accident that left me with an unusual scar on my neck on which has never fully healed. I remember days after the accident feeling ugly, or of little worth to people because I had been damaged in some way. I thought that people don't want people that are damaged. This terrible feeling left me with such an absent feeling of love. I knew and turned to the only place I could for help. I prayed to my Heavenly Father who could "heal me" and comfort me in a loving way. From time and time again of prayer on this issue, I have been made stronger and more confident because of the knowledge of who I am from those prayers. I might have not been physically healed fully yet, but I feel spiritually healed and of worth now.
Watch this video and reflect and you will feel of worth as I have
Adriana says she's sorry-- she thought it was a bug bite!!